Grow your organism!

Updating your creature costs 1 mutation point (#)...

  • -1 for every useless cell (-) you add.
  • +1 for every useless cell you remove.
  • +1 for every other cell you add.

If it would cost less than 1, it costs 1 instead.

If a cell dies, the entire organism dies! And cells are always slowly degrading.

Cell types:

  • B: brain. It allows you to stir the organism, but every time you change its direction the brain degrades.
  • W: weapon. When it pushes against something else, it starts gradually destroying it.
  • O: mouth. It works as a weapon that can only destroy food, except while destroying it it repairs the entire organism (by half the amount destroyed).
  • I: muscle. It makes increases the chances of the organism moving, attacking and feeding. (The probability of the organism pushing forward at any given frame is equal to the number of muscles divided by the number of cells)
  • X: shell. It cannot be destroyed by weapons (and it can be used to destroy weapons).
  • ?: potential. It starts at half of its full durability, but every time it is repaired completely it gives you a mutation point (and resets to half of its full durability).
  • -: useless. Having more of these can make better cells affordable.

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